Get yoga strong part 2

Are you ready to get yoga strong? I’m back with three more days of strength. Please follow the instructions and videos below, if you have any questions just leave a comment. I will get back at you as soon as possible. Day 4 High lunge to Warrior lll: Ok, let’s get into today’s drill High lunge […]

Komma i gång med träningen!

Kom i gång med träning! Har du svårt att komma igång med din träning? Ja du är inte ensam. Det svåraste är ju bara att ta sig till yoga-studion. Väl där brukar det ju gå bra! Här nedan har jag skrivit ner några punkter som hjälper dig på traven om motivationen sviker. 1. Skriv in […]

Get strong with yoga

Strength challenge, yoga is an excellent way to strengthen your body and we all need some new goals and inspiration to start 2017 🙂 This is for you who missed Lizettepompyoga’s first Instagram strength yoga challenge. StrengthTEN II is coming up January 5th,  don’t miss it! I did this challenge for ten days focusing on different yoga […]

Sun Salutation step by step

This is a sun salutation step by step guide. If you have taken any of our vinyasa classes then you are a bit familiar with the Sun Salutations we do over the class. We do both Sun Salutations and vinyasas. Taking a vinyasa is basically a mini Sun Salutation, it starts in Plank pose and ends […]

Hitta en regelbunden yogapraktik

Jag har nu praktiserat yoga till och från sedan 1999 när jag tog min första yogaklass i Sydney, Australien. Ibland flera timmar om dagen till veckor emellan klasserna. Det började som för många med att jag hade värk och var ur form och blev rekommenderad av min kiropraktor att prova på yoga. Jag provade några former […]

Keeping up with your yoga-practice

Keeping up with your yoga-practice   I often get asked how much I practice. I always answer the truth, I practice almost everyday. But to practice everyday doesn’t necesarly mean that I practice a set amount of time each time I step on my mat. That varies from day to day. Sometimes I’m lucky enough to […]

Vinyasa on the go

For those days when you don’t have a lot of time but your body wants to move. Just grab your mat and let’s practice together. This short yoga class is good when you can’t make it to the yoga studio. You can find me teaching vinyasa flow at Hot Yoga Uppsala, Sweden. If you have […]