Green smoothie recipe

I know that with this weather all you feel like for breakfast is a hot cup of coffee, tea or chocolate, but the best way to start your day is with a green smoothie, then you can go ahead and have a hot drink afterwards.


Everything your body needs is a green smoothie to start your day on the right track, plus the kale (grönkål) season is still going in Sweden and you can find kale almost in every supermarket. Kale is very high in beta carotenevitamin Kvitamin C, and rich in calcium. Kale is a source of two carotenoidslutein and zeaxanthin. Kale, contains sulforaphane (particularly when chopped or minced), a chemical with potent anti-cancer properties. So now you have no excuses to buy some kale and drink some to start your day.


Green smoothie (2 glasses)

  • 2 handfuls of kale (grönkål) (remove the stem in the middle)
  • 1 apple
  • 1/2 avocado (optional)
  • 1/2 orange
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 2 tbsp full fat greek yogurt
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1 tbsp bee polen (optional)


Start with the greens at the bottom of the blender and always finish with the frozen fruits, I like to put frozen bananas just to keep the smoothie cold, but you can also use them natural.



